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E R T  T R A I N I N G

"UMCOR’s Early Response Team (ERT) training program supports conference preparedness and immediate response efforts. Key activities for conference ERT and other response teams are supplying survivors with food, water, shelter and help with mucking out and cleaning up. UMCOR offers emergency financial assistance in the aftermath of a disaster to support local relief work."
"The Mission of an Early Response Team is to provide a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster.
An early response team fills a specific need in the early days after a disaster to establish the caring presence of the church and to provide hope for the survivors. This team is not a first response group of emergency workers or a recovery, rebuild, or repair team. While there are specific tasks assigned to Early Response Teams, no task is more important than the people they serve."

E R T  T R A I N I N G  A T  M I D W E S T  M I S S I O N

Come back soon to see when our next Basic ERT Training will be.
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